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How It Works – For Physicians

I’m an Orthopedic Surgeon:

Surgication helps physicians by providing information about orthopaedic surgeryPatients are often very anxious when being informed that their best treatment option is surgery.

All surgeons feel obligated to have appropriate conversations with their patients prior to surgery. These are often time-consuming discussions about complex material with a nervous patient who is not able to fully retain information due to their anxiety level. On busy days in the office, surgeons can be hours behind schedule due to these conversations.

Frequently, the patients then leave the office with unanswered questions or they think of questions at a later time when you are not immediately available to answer them. These patients will then often seek answers to their questions on the Internet. Unfortunately, many websites are unreliable or profess outdated information.

In multiple orthopedic studies, internet-based learning has been shown to lead to the highest retention rates with respect to obtaining informed consent for surgery. Video and slide presentations seem to be the preferred methodology for patients seeking this information on-line.

Internet-based surgery-specific learning modules will allow a patient, friend, or family member to review the diagnosis, indications for surgery, risks and benefits of the procedure, alternative options available, animated surgical videos, and post-operative expectations in a quiet learning environment at their own pace. It will also allow for repetition over time, which will increase retention rates prior to proceeding with surgery.

Well-educated patients are often happier patients, have more reasonable expectations, and better results. Informed patients are also less likely to pursue medicolegal options if complications arise.

Surgication is designed to be a supplement to your patient conversations and provide a uniform evidence-based message pertaining to specific surgical procedures that you perform. It will save you time and allow you to be more efficient in the office. Your patients will love it!!